Research on the platform economy

Which opportunities do cooperative models and blockchain technology offer to the platform economy? What are other potential pathways toward a more sustainable platform economy? 

Today, new digital platforms for sharing, swapping and other ways of collaborative consumption are widely associated with positive economic, ecological and social effects. At the same time, existing platforms like Airbnb and Uber are increasingly criticized in public debate for having negative effects on people, local economies and our planet. As a counter model, new decentral models combining alternative organizational forms (such as platform cooperatives) and new technologies (such as Blockchain technology) are discussed and tested. These and other alternative models promise to better reach social-ecological goals and offer potential to transform the sharing and platform economy. 

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In Deutschland fehlt es an finanzieller Unterstützung für Sozialunternehmen. Daher stellt sich die Frage, wie Kapital für soziale und nachhaltige Projekte mobilisiert und dadurch in eine gemeinwohlorientierte Zukunft investiert werden kann. Um die Finanzierung von Sozialunternehmen zu stärken, entwickelten Mitglieder des Social Entrepreneurship Netzwerk Deutschland e. V. einen Reformvorschlag zur Nutzung nachrichtenloser Assets für sozialen Impact. (English version below).
You looking for financial support, mentoring or developers to implement your ideas? Be one of 25 blockchain or distributed ledger technology start-ups, to receive funding of up to 30.000 EUR by the European Commission as part of the Blockpool project.
Germany's social enterprises are active in many industries and develop solutions for social challenges. They put emphasis on fairness and transparency, also when dealing with their own employees. The companies are well connected and work with cooperation partners from different sectors but would like to see more political support. In particular, the lack of funding opportunities poses a challenge for many social entrepreneurs.
(German version below)
In November 2019, Jonas Pentzien traveled to New York City to present his research on the politics of platform cooperativism at the 4th International Platform Cooperativism-Conference “Who Owns the World?”. His comparative study on legislative obstacles for platform co-ops in the United States, France, and Germany will be published by the Institute for the Cooperative Digital Economy (ICDE) in spring 2020.



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Wie können nachrichtenlose Assets für Social Impact nutzbar gemacht werden? Am 5. März 2020 stellt der SEND e.V. seinen Reformvorschlag in Berlin vor
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Prof. Dr. Dominika Wruk
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Second German Social Entrepreneurship Monitor presents the potential and challenges of social enterprises
You are a platform cooperative working with blockchain technology? Then apply until February 26th, 2020 for EU-funding from the Blockpool project!
Platforms2share Presents Comparative Study on the Politics of Platform Cooperativism at International Conference in New York City