
On this page, you can find a list of publications from the platforms2share researchers. 

A book highlighting the importance of social economy science as a means of addressing the biggest societal challenges (11/12/2023)
Dominika Wruk co-edited a pioneering new book that provides the first comprehensive analysis of why and how social economy organisations drive systemic change, foster resilience and create superior value for society. Based on extensive empirical research, with a strong practical and policy component, the book draws on organizational theory and transition studies to provide a systematic perspective on complex multi-stakeholder forms of action. It discusses the social economy's role in promoting innovation for impact, as well as its role as an agent of societal change and as a partner to businesses, governments, and citizens. more...
The social economy is increasingly seen as a motor for social change, but how can this shift in perspectives be framed to better understand and harness its potential? (28/04/2021)
Together with her co-authors, Dominika Wruk from platforms2share addresses this question in an article just published in Stanford Social Innovation Review. It is an introduction to a series of articles on the social economy. more...
How is the sharing economy field structured? Dominika Wruk, Tino Schöllhorn and Achim Oberg address this question in their current publication (08/04/2020)
In their exploratory study, the platforms2share researchers find that sharing organizations receive attention, resources and legitimation from a „disruptive field“ of organizations including tech-media and venture capitalists – a field that initiates and support technological innovation which potentially disrupt existing fields and industries. So far, the field pays attention to dominant models in the sharing economy such as Airbnb or Uber. The authors published the chapter in the renowned series „Research in the Sociology of Organizations“. more...
Theorizing Technologies for the Sharing Economy: The Blockchain Example (05/01/2020)
Tino Schöllhorn published a short paper showing how the Blockchain technology is theorized using data from Wikipedia. Based on these results he concludes that the use of Blockchain in the Sharing Economy might start to gain momentum. more...
How are sharing organizations’ business models linked to values? (15/11/2019)
Dominika Wruk from platforms2share together with her co-authors Achim Oberg, Jennifer Klutt & Indre Maurer developed an approach to analyze how business models and values are linked. Applying this approach in the context of the sharing economy, they found two strategies to link models and values: Grassrots initiatives mainly address sustainability values while platform-based organizations mainly address economic values. It will be interesting to see, whether platform cooperatives represent a hybrid model by linking a platform business model to sustainability values. more...
How do we get a comprehensive understanding of the sharing economy? (07/11/2019)
To develop a comprehensive and holistic picture of current research on the sharing economy, researchers from different disciplines presented their work at the 5th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy at the University of Mannheim in 2018. Dominika Wruk, member of platforms2share, Achim Oberg and Indre Maurer have published the Best Paper Proceedings to the workshop, that comprises a selection of short papers. The volume is published with Cambridge Scholars Publishing. more...
Introduction to the Special Issue Platform Economy - Journal Article in Ökologisches Wirtschaften (30/10/2018)
In their introduction to the special issue on the platform economy, the authors Wruk, Pentzien, Wolff and Kludas sketch out the current controversy over the platform economy. more...