Which opportunities do cooperative models and blockchain technology offer to the platform economy? What are other potential pathways toward a more sustainable platform economy?
Today, new digital platforms for sharing, swapping and other ways of collaborative consumption are widely associated with positive economic, ecological and social effects. At the same time, existing platforms like Airbnb and Uber are increasingly criticized in public debate for having negative effects on people, local economies and our planet. As a counter model, new decentral models combining alternative organizational forms (such as platform cooperatives) and new technologies (such as Blockchain technology) are discussed and tested. These and other alternative models promise to better reach social-ecological goals and offer potential to transform the sharing and platform economy.
In der aktuellen Folge des Podcasts „Das Arbeitsgespräch“ vom Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales diskutiert Arbeitsminister Hubertus Heil mit Mitbegründer und CEO der digitalen Plattform Helpling Philip Huffmann über faire Plattformarbeit und die Zukunft der Plattformökonomie. Während Uneinigkeit bezüglich konkreter Vorgehensweisen bei der Regulierung von digitalen Plattformen besteht, können die Gesprächspartner sich auf gemeinsame Ziele einigen (English version below). | ||
The promise of easily accessible and flexible work makes the platform economy particularly attractive for women, who still do most of the caring work and must combine their professional activities with family life. At the same time, problems of the traditional labor market persist in platform work. An expert report prepared for the federal government's Third Equality Report examines how women experience platform work and what role the platform economy plays with regard to equality. (Deutschsprachige Version unten) | ||
The social economy combines economic activity with social impact and may serve as a catalyst for societal change toward more sustainability. Understanding and shaping the current and future role of the social economy is the goal of the Social Economy Scientific Conference. A vibrant network of distinguished social economy researchers will discuss the potential of the social economy to rethink and reshape socio-econo¬mic spaces. Dominika Wruk from platforms2share is co-organizer of the conference and will host a session on the social economy as part of an ecosystem. | ||
Beim zweiten platforms2share Forschungskolloquium stellen WissenschaftlerInnen ihre Promotionsvorhaben und aktuellen Forschungsarbeiten vor und diskutieren diese untereinander. Weitere interessierte WissenschaftlerInnen sind herzlich eingeladen, an dem Kolloquium teilzunehmen. Thematisch geht es um Geschäftsmodelle und Organisationsformen in der Sharing Economy, um Strukturen und Governance von Plattformen und um aktuelle Entwicklungen und Dynamiken in der Plattformökonomie. | ||

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![]() | Prof. Dr. Dominika Wruk Institute for SME Research and Entrepreneurship (ifm)
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