Which opportunities do cooperative models and blockchain technology offer to the platform economy? What are other potential pathways toward a more sustainable platform economy?
Today, new digital platforms for sharing, swapping and other ways of collaborative consumption are widely associated with positive economic, ecological and social effects. At the same time, existing platforms like Airbnb and Uber are increasingly criticized in public debate for having negative effects on people, local economies and our planet. As a counter model, new decentral models combining alternative organizational forms (such as platform cooperatives) and new technologies (such as Blockchain technology) are discussed and tested. These and other alternative models promise to better reach social-ecological goals and offer potential to transform the sharing and platform economy.
How can appropriate legal frameworks and cooperative platforms ensure a better distribution of economic gains and secure social rights in the platform economy? Together with Smart Belgium, Pour la Solidarité and the Utrecht University, Dominika Wruk from platforms2share organizes this session, that addresses both challenges that major digital platforms bring upon communities across Europe and possible solutions, both at institutional and organizational level, that can counteract these. The session takes place on the second day of the event, on May 27,, 11.30 am - 1.00 pm CET | ||
Welche Schritte sind bei der Gründung einer Platform Coop entscheidend? Die Platform Cooperatives Germany eG bietet am 20. Mai 2021 einen Workshop an, um Gründungsinteressierte bei Fragen zu Geschäftsmodell, Finanzierung und Unternehmensform zu unterstützen. (English version below) | ||
Together with her co-authors, Dominika Wruk from platforms2share addresses this question in an article just published in Stanford Social Innovation Review. It is an introduction to a series of articles on the social economy. | ||
Wie können Genossenschaften fit für das digitale Zeitalter gemacht werden? Mit dieser Frage beschäftigt sich die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Genossenschaft.Digital.Jetzt und veranstaltet ein Kick-Off, um ihre theoretischen Forderungen zu kommunizieren und deren Weg in die Praxis zu ebnen. (English version below) | ||
Contact platforms2share
Prof. Dr. Dominika Wruk Institute for SME Research and Entrepreneurship (ifm)
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